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How do bioswales protect water from urban runoff?

Sept. 15, 2023
Bioswales can help cities bolster their defenses against stormwater. Here's how.
Outfall characteristics may not allow for a grab sample to be easily obtained. To avoid a confined entry, one method is to take a sample from the surface using a string and bottle.

Monitoring stormwater runoff to mitigate illicit discharges

Sept. 1, 2023
A robust illicit discharge program that includes collaboration among regulatory agencies, municipalities, businesses and residents can reduce the number of illicit discharges ...
What Is (3)

What is stormwater runoff?

July 14, 2023
A look at the fundamentals of runoff, how to control it and more.
James Arceneaux, EAEnvironmental Co.
Crew performing maintenance and infiltration testing on rain garden.
Low Impact Development

Texas town turns to LID to manage runoff

June 26, 2023
The city of San Marcos, Texas, started "Pop the Top off LID" to bring green infrastructure to the forefront of managing runoff.
Photo 166591522 © Elizabeth Paige Brown |
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The busiest place under the Earth: How runoff impacts soil

May 26, 2023
Some soil experts are concerned that soil compaction on construction sites never allows for the absorption of runoff that is typically assumed.