New Waterproofing Products For Concrete Structures
Source ConShield Technologies Inc.
“ConShield Technologies has been helping engineers and sewer departments successfully solve microbiologically induced corrosion (MIC) for the past two decades,” stated company President William Shook. “Now with the addition of the Crystal-X product line, the added protection of waterproofing can be combined with the proven technology of ConMICShield through fully compatible solutions for comprehensive concrete protection.”
The new product line—Crystal-X AdMix, Crystal-X WP, Crystal-X SuperPatch WP, and Crystal-X WSH—is designed to address a full range of situations and conditions leveraging technology engineered to form millions of fine crystalline fibers inside capillary pores and micro-cracks while concrete and mortars cure and harden. The liquid additive has proven reliability and effectiveness over years of use in Europe. “Under rights granted by the European producer, we modified it to be fully compatible with ConMICShield,” stated Chief Science Officer, Dr. Valery Tokar. Design engineers for waste water systems can now confidently specify one producer for both waterproofing and MIC protection.
The product line offers economical and effective waterproofing protection of new and existing concrete sewer pipe and manholes as well as dams, reservoirs, bridge decks, foundations, sewage and water treatment plants, tunnels, subway systems and virtually any other concrete structure where water damage may occur.
“We know our customers have a need for waterproofing solutions. Engineers have made specific requests for solutions compatible with our existing ConMICShield product,” commented Shook. “We are very pleased to offer the Crystal-X line of products to meet those needs through economical, effective solutions we know are fully compatible with our existing ConMICShield product.”
Source: ConShield Technologies Inc.