Rule of Law

June 25, 2013

The U.S Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has missed yet another deadline to issue a draft rule regulating post-contruction storm water discharges from developed and redeveloped sites across the country. 

The EPA was set to issue the national rule on June 10; this deadline—a date that has been pushed back at least five times since the original target in September 2011—was not met. 

It seems that we could be waiting on a national storm water rule for some time yet. The EPA has undertaken a ponderous task: The rule needs to take into account the nation's variations in climate, weather, land formations, drainage and other elements of the natural world, but also has to be something that site developers and engineers across the country will be able to work with.

SWS will continue to track any updates and developments, so keep checking the news items on our website.