2013 State of the Industry

April 30, 2013
A current assessment of the storm water and erosion control industry

The Storm Water Solutions team is dedicated to ensuring that our readers are apprised of the latest industry trends and data in order to stay current. To that end, we are pleased to present the fifth-annual State of the Industry Report. 

A random sampling of SWS subscribers received an e-mail invitation to answer survey questions about their experiences and thoughts. The resulting 2013 SWS State of the Industry Report provides the most up-to-date information about budget expenditure, top products and services, professional and business demographics, and more. 

SWS will continue to keep a finger on the pulse of the storm water and erosion control industry to bring you the latest developments and news throughout 2013 and beyond.  

For more information, contact the Storm Water Solutions editorial staff at [email protected]

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