Surface Water Master Class: Hydraulics 101, Part 2

April 9, 2015

At Forester University, our live webinars present you with the surface water experts, who share best management practices, informative project case studies, and real-world applications. Join our faculty of industry experts in our live webinar (or series of webinars) exploring the technological innovations, project site applications, and any associated regulatory requirements in a comprehensive discussion of this topic. Please see below for a full description and registration information for this event.

Surface Water Master Class: Hydraulics 101, Part 2
March 23, 2017; 11:00 am – 12:30 pm

At a loss when hydraulic engineers start throwing out fancy terms like unsteady flow, allowable shear stress, hydraulic radius, Manning’s “n”, or 100-year flood? As a professional working with these technical individuals and their reports, it’s essential that you fully understand “where they are coming from.”

At Forester University, our live webinars present you with the surface water experts, who share best management practices, informative project case studies, and real-world applications. Join our faculty of industry experts in our live webinar (or series of webinars) exploring the technological innovations, project site applications, and any associated regulatory requirements in a comprehensive discussion of this topic. Please see below for a full description and registration information for this event.Surface Water Master Class: Hydraulics 101, Part 2 March 23, 2017; 11:00 am - 12:30 pm
At a loss when hydraulic engineers start throwing out fancy terms like unsteady flow, allowable shear stress, hydraulic radius, Manning’s “n”, or 100-year flood? As a professional working with these technical individuals and their reports, it’s essential that you fully understand “where they are coming from.” [text_ad] Join two-time former IECA President, Dr. David T. Williams for the second part of our Surface Water Master Class Series, a live and on-demand two-session webinar exploring the concepts, terms, and analyses behind hydraulics, and the basis of the analyses that goes into hydraulic studies. After covering the basics, we’ll follow-up with an exploration of advanced topics (e.g., hydraulic scour of structures, weirs, culverts, hydraulic grade control, and bank stabilization), as well as how this information is essential for good hydraulic design. In this session, we’ll move beyond the basics to advanced topics and how this information is used to develop information essential for hydraulic engineers to develop their designs. Advanced topics include: hydraulic scour of structures, weirs, culverts, hydraulic grade control, and bank stabilization using hydraulic information. Presenter(s) David T. Williams Ph.D., P.E., PH, CFM, CPESC, D.WRE; DTW and Associates Credits: 3 PDH / 0.3 CEU $149.00

Join two-time former IECA President, Dr. David T. Williams for the second part of our Surface Water Master Class Series, a live and on-demand two-session webinar exploring the concepts, terms, and analyses behind hydraulics, and the basis of the analyses that goes into hydraulic studies. After covering the basics, we’ll follow-up with an exploration of advanced topics (e.g., hydraulic scour of structures, weirs, culverts, hydraulic grade control, and bank stabilization), as well as how this information is essential for good hydraulic design.

In this session, we’ll move beyond the basics to advanced topics and how this information is used to develop information essential for hydraulic engineers to develop their designs. Advanced topics include: hydraulic scour of structures, weirs, culverts, hydraulic grade control, and bank stabilization using hydraulic information.

David T. Williams
DTW and Associates
Credits: 3 PDH / 0.3 CEU

About the Author

David T. Williams

Ph.D., P.E., PH, CFM, CPESC, D.WRE; DTW and Associates