TALLASSEE, ALABAMA — July 9, 2014– Neptune Technology Group Inc. (“Neptune”) has been named as a grand prize winner in the first Amazon Web Services, Inc. (AWS) “Amazon City on a Cloud Innovation Challenge,” recognizing applications that solve local government challenges. Neptune received the award for its N_SIGHT™ IQ intelligent analytics software for utilities which runs on the Amazon Web Services cloud computing network.
“We’re particularly proud of this honor because we were encouraged to apply for the award by the City of Dubuque, one of our key customers in the development and an early adopter of the application”, said Chuck DiLaura, Neptune president. “N_SIGHT IQ is a great example of Neptune’s philosophy to be our customers’ most valued partner. As the program that enables Dubuque’s “˜DBQ IQ’ consumer portal, N_SIGHT IQ helps Dubuque’s customers manage their water use.”
N_SIGHT IQ provides water utilities with the ability to store and analyze up to 10 years of homeowners’ consumption data, along with advanced analytics based on historical trends and flagged consumption events. In addition, the cloud-based application offers the homeowners themselves access to see, track, and manage information on their water usage, including alerts for consumption anomalies. By making usage information available to the consumer, questions regarding high water bills are easier to resolve, and homeowners can be more proactive in their own use of water.
Upon learning of the award, Chris Kohlmann, information services manager for the City of Dubuque, said, “Congratulations to everyone at Neptune! Your willingness to work collaboratively with the City of Dubuque on DBQ IQ and assist us in leveraging our investment in current software and data, along with utilizing cloud-based technology in that process to better engage citizens around water use is a win for all.”
For more information on, please refer to the following websites:
City of Dubuque’s DBQ IQ: www.cityofdubuque.org/dbqiq
Neptune’s N_SIGHT IQ: https://www.neptunetg.com/Systems/N_SIGHT-Software-Suite/
Amazon’s City on a Cloud Innovation Challenge: http://aws.amazon.com/stateandlocal/cityonacloud/
About Neptune
For over a century, Neptune Technology Group has provided water utilities with innovative, field-proven meter reading and metering technologies to better serve their communities. As a pioneer in the development of automatic meter reading (AMR) and advanced metering infrastructure (AMI) for more than 50 years, Neptune continually focuses on the evolving needs of utilities and offers a fully integrated migration path for its utility customers to meet these needs now and in the future. For additional information, please visit the company website at www.neptunetg.com.