Vermont Issues Three-Acre Storm Water General Permit
The Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) released the final Three Acre Stormwater General Permit.
The permit fulfills a requirement of Vermont’s 2015 Clean Water Act and achieves all Phase One milestones outlined in the Lake Champlain Phosphorus Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) Accountability Framework, according to Vermont Business Magazine.
“Finalizing the Three-Acre Stormwater permit is a necessary step in Vermont’s efforts to improve water quality and meet our Lake Champlain clean-up goals. Better storm water management will help us achieve these goals by reducing runoff from parking lots, roads and roofs,” said Julie Moore, secretary of the Vermont Agency of Natural Resources.
According to the state, Vermont needs to reduce storm water runoff from commercial, industrial, residential and institutional properties by approximately 20% to meet clean water goals.
The permit requires landowners with more than three acres of impervious surfaces to develop and implement projects to treat runoff to remove phosphorus, sediment, and other pollutants.
“The initial permit application will be due on a staggered schedule, starting 12 months from the effective date of the General Permit and will extend through early 2023,” said Vermont about the Stormwater General Permit on its state website, “However previously permitted ‘three-acre sites’ will apply for permit coverage prior to expiration of their existing permits starting with the effective date of the general permit. As part of the initial application (Initial NOI) landowners will need to provide basic project information.”
Landowners will also have 18 months to complete an engineering analysis to determine a suitable storm water system. Once the storm water plan is approved, landowners will have five years to install new storm water systems.
“We understand this is a significant undertaking for these properties and we’ve taken multiple steps to help those impacted. Additionally, in light of the current economic challenges, DEC is exercising the greatest flexibility possible to fulfill this important work directed by the legislature while reducing the financial impact to struggling Vermont institutions, businesses, and municipalities,” said Peter Walke, DEC Commissioner.
DEC will offer technical and financial aid to landowners, reported Vermont Business News.