Hospital Campus in Lakeville, Massachusetts, Reviews Storm Water Solutions for Redevelopment
After a series of public hearings on the proposed redevelopment of the Lakeville Hospital campus in Lakeville, Massachusetts, the town’s 43D Review Committee may approve the site plans and special permit requests needed for the commercial project.
At a Feb. 18 virtual meeting, the review committee members reviewed small adjustments to the site plans, reported The Standard-Times. Planning Board Chair Mark Knox, running the review committee meeting, set Mar. 4 as the date the panel would review the list of conditions likely to be attached to the special permit.
Developers will work with Massachusetts Department of Transportation to upgrade the storm drains on the road, according to town officials, reported The Standard-Times.
There are septic system revisions and plans to clean up the old landfill site on the property. The Conservation Commission also focused on the wetlands and buffer zone protection provisions and the comprehensive storm water management plan devised for the property, reported The Standard-Times.
The redevelopment includes a 10-point storm water management system that would collect all rain runoff and direct it to two on site detention ponds. Some areas along Main Street would serve as filters and slowdown mechanisms for flows going into the municipal storm drains along Route 105.
Site buyer Rhino Capital Advisors LLC of Massachusetts proposed tearing down all nine existing buildings in the hospital complex and building a 402,500 square foot warehouse building. This building would be leased to one or two commercial tenants.
The developers have planned for 564 parking spaces and 130 spaces for truck and trailer storage.
The public hearing also covered grading plans, erosion control measures, and utility infrastructure, reported The Standard-Times.