Raleigh, North Carolina highlights ways to prevent water pollution

March 6, 2025
Preventing water pollution can help protect waterways and stormwater systems.

The city of Raleigh, North Carolina, highlighted different ways for citizens to prevent water pollution in streams around the city.

According to the city, the best way to protect streams from water pollution is to prevent it at the source. The city highlighted in a press release six ways to prevent water pollution.

The list of ways to prevent water pollution includes:

  • Pick up litter and throw it in the garbage.
  • Blowing or sweeping fertilizer back into grass. Fertilizer chemicals can wash into storm drains and waterways during rain events.
  • Mulch or compost grass or yard waste. These wastes can clog, and damage storm drains.
  • Wash a car or equipment where the runoff can flow into gravel or a grassy area. These areas can act as bioswales to help mitigate the runoff of contamination.
  • Don’t pour motor oil down the storm drain.
  • Clean up spills by placing absorbent material like cat litter or sand on the spill. Don’t wash spills into storm drains.

The methods mentioned by the city can be applied on a national scale to help prevent pollution and protect stormwater systems nationwide.