Runoff of muddy water from the Ridgeline construction site entered Lake Emelia and flooded Kistap County, according to Kitsap Sun.
Heavy rains resulted in flooding throughout the Washington county, but homes nearby are not at risk because of the storm water upgrades made since 2018, said Port Orchard Mayor Rob Putaansuu.
The county and city of Port Orchard officials are monitoring erosion control on all construction sites in their jurisdiction, according to Kitsap Sun.
About an inch of water was flowing across Little Glenwood Road in Port Orchard, adjacent to the Stetson Heights development, which was fined in July by the state Department of Ecology for runoff in 2018 that threatened homes, reported Kitsap Sun.
Contractors are installing a berm across the road to intercept water, according to DOE spokesman Larry Altose. They are also pumping water from a pond that was overflowing to another larger pond to contain the flow.
Contractors will install a pump to remove additional water from the road and sediment traps that divert sediment from runoff water, reported Kitsap Sun.
Though county officials have signed off on storm water control measures to be installed as homes are built, residents believe the density of the development and steep slopes will cause pollution to be carried off-site into Lake Emelia and the surrounding watershed.
Ridgeline has complied throughout the permitting process with county regulations, including an adjustment to storm water mitigation measures approved by the county. According to Kitsap Sun, the system is designed to collect and treat runoff on-site.
A revised wetland report in March stated that although some water from the site could reach Lake Emelia, neither the volume nor the quality would negatively impact the lake.
County officials have met on multiple occasions with the neighbors to address their concerns, according to Kitsap Sun.