Wheel Wash Systems Make Jobsites Into Good Neighbors
Source Rain for Rent
Rain for Rent and MobyDick, a provider of wheel wash and truck cleaning systems, have entered into a partnership to address jobsite challenges that can impact neighboring environments and potentially breach U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regulations.
Dirt and mud tracked out from jobsites onto roadways, particularly in wet conditions, is a threat to public safety and can incur costly cleanup. Rain for Rent’s MobyDick Conline Wheel Wash offers a cost-effective and highly portable solution. The Conline drive-through series can efficiently remove dirt, mud and debris from up to 300 trucks daily in numerous settings — from construction projects, quarries and mines to landfills, power plants and environmental remediation sites.
When jobsite track out involves hazardous materials, it can pose a critical threat to public safety and the environment. A contractor in the eastern U.S. preparing to excavate a site with hazardous material installed a Conline Wheel Wash system to prevent the tracking of any material off the jobsite. With up to 150 daily truck washes for medium soiling in all weather conditions, the tire wash system fully removed any jobsite pollutants and enabled a fast, portable transition to the next jobsite.
“In some cases regulators require a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) to minimize erosion and run-off of pollutants on a jobsite,” said John Paul Lake, director of marketing, Rain for Rent. “The Conline Wheel Wash system can be an important component of this plan, and you can also rely on us to solve any other liquid handling problem that arises on your jobsite.”
Source: Rain for Rent