Water industry reacts to ASCE's 2025 Infrastructure Report Card

March 26, 2025
Stormwater, wastewater and drinking water all earned the same grades they received on the 2021 report card.

On March 25, the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) released its 2025 Report Card for America’s Infrastructure.  

Overall, the country earned a “C,” the highest score ever received. Stormwater earned a “D,” which is the same grade it received in 2021.

Similarly, wastewater and drinking water received the same scores as 2021, “D+” and “C-,” respectively.  

Below, industry associations and leaders react to the latest report card. While America’s infrastructure as a whole saw improvement, the water industry remained stagnant, prompting calls for more collaboration, innovation and investment. 

Seth Brown, Executive Director, National Municipal Stormwater Alliance

"It is great to see stormwater included in the Infrastructure Report Card for the second straight time. The continued inclusion of stormwater in this high-profile program is critical in highlighting the significant needs and challenges in the stormwater sector. And the second grade of "D" in a row illustrates the continued level of these challenges."

Susan Moisio, Global Water Director, Jacobs

“America’s water systems are under pressure on many fronts – from aging assets, extreme weather and new contaminants to regulatory mandates and cost pressures. The ASCE Report shows some momentum in solving those challenges, but there’s more to do. 

Modernizing our water networks will build resilience and provide flexibility to respond to evolving challenges. What was achieved in Wilmington, Delaware exemplifies how communities can tackle multiple challenges with an integrated, proactive approach that leverages digital technologies, partnerships with the private sector and federal funding opportunities to cut energy usage, mitigate sewer overflows and remove lead from drinking water. 

By combining innovative thinking and proven technologies, cities and towns across America can build secure, reliable water networks – future-ready, and built to last.” 

Robert F. Powelson, President and CEO, National Association of Water Companies (NAWC) 

With the release of the American Society of Civil Engineers’ (ASCE) 2025 Infrastructure Report Card, National Association of Water Companies (NAWC) President and CEO Robert F. Powelson issued the following statement: 

“We appreciate ASCE shining a spotlight on the infrastructure challenges we are facing in the United States. With the grades for drinking water (C-) and wastewater (D+) remaining unchanged since 2021, it’s clear that our nation’s water and wastewater systems continue to face significant challenges. NAWC has long recognized the importance of water infrastructure investment so communities have safe and reliable access to safe drinking water.  

“While federal funding is crucial, it alone will not suffice to tackle the extensive infrastructure needs across the country. Clearly, there is a water crisis across the US that is affecting water quality and quantity. It is local, regional and even global in scale. However, the solution in order to solve these problems is going to come from private sector investment and cooperation with local, state and federal leaders. 

“It is imperative that we recognize the need for collaborative efforts between public and private sectors to ensure that every community has access to safe, reliable water services. Together, we must prioritize sustainable funding strategies and foster partnerships that will enable us to build a resilient water infrastructure for future generations.” 

M. Susan Hardwick, CEO of American Water  

“Another report card, and no change or improvement in the last four years. America’s drinking water and wastewater infrastructure is stagnant. The 2025 American Society of Civil Engineers' (ASCE) annual Infrastructure Report Card is a stark reminder of the urgent need for significant and continued investment in water and wastewater infrastructure across the country. Our nation continues to lack when it comes to investing in critical infrastructure, particularly in these sectors. With over a trillion dollars in infrastructure investments needed in water and wastewater over the next two decades, American Water continues to work with local and federal leaders to provide expertise and investment in communities that need to strengthen their water systems—and we will not slow down. Over the next ten years, we plan to invest $40-$42 billion in our systems to help ensure safe, clean, reliable and affordable water and wastewater service. The solution is an “and” not “or” approach that requires the public and private sectors to work together. Together, we can safeguard the environment, incentivize economic investment, and ultimately create American jobs.”  

Jon Phillips, CEO of the Global Infrastructure Investor Association (GIIA)

“This report card makes clear that all levels of government must find new ways to deliver greater, sustained infrastructure investment across the United States for decades to come. Taxpayers alone cannot finance the safe, reliable, modern infrastructure that the world’s most powerful economy demands. Investment managers and pension funds, offer international expertise and billions of dollars to get the job done—well and quickly.”