Penda Corp. announced the SmartDitch System, an HDPE channel with fittings designed to broaden the range of use in water flow control applications such as drainage, erosion and sediment control, land development, irrigation, industrial site containment systems and temporary flow diversions.
The SmartDitch System is a solution for capturing, controlling and directing the flow of water. The new corrosion-resistant fittings for the SmartDitch trapezoidal and semi-circular channel include:
• A flared-end inlet/outlet;
• Transitional sections;
• A straight bulkhead (available with or without openings for water dispersal);
• Right/left bulkheads (available with or without openings for water dispersal);
• Multi-directional Ts; and
• Directional gates.
SmartDitch said its UV-resistant channels and fittings do not deteriorate over time, are less costly to install and 100% recyclable and offer low maintenance costs. The lightweight yet rugged construction is ideal for drainage projects with difficult access, uneven terrain and steep slopes. The 12-in. and 24-in. deep corrugated channel along with the fittings provide the design flexibility needed for both large- and small-scale projects, the company said.
Source: Penda Corp.