GBCI Introduces New LEED Credential

June 17, 2010
New Credential Designed for Professionals Involved in Green Neighborhood Development

A new LEED Credential has been created for professionals designing environmentally friendly neighborhoods. Earlier this week, the Green Building Certification Institute (GBCI) announced the launch of a new LEED Professional Credential: LEED AP for Neighborhood Development.

The LEED AP for Neighborhood Development (LEED AP ND) credential designates the specialized knowledge and experience of professionals participating in the planning and development of environmentally responsible communities. The LEED AP ND exam measures knowledge of the LEED for Neighborhood Development Rating System, introduced by the U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC) in April, and the ability to facilitate the LEED project certification process.

“LEED AP for Neighborhood Development professionals will be the driving forces behind future green communities worldwide,” said Peter Templeton, president of GBCI. “This credential recognizes leading practitioners committed to the principles of smart growth, neighborhood design and green building.”

The LEED ND Rating System was developed by USGBC in partnership with the Natural Resources Defense Council and the Congress for the New Urbanism. It encourages the development of healthier communities by reducing the environmental impact of urban sprawl, increasing alternative transportation choices and promoting neighborhood walkability and access to public space.

LEED AP ND is part of GBCI’s suite of LEED Professional Credentials, which provide employers, policymakers and other stakeholders with assurance of an individual’s green building knowledge and skills.

Source: GBCI