St. Louis Sewer Rehabilitation Project Awarded to SAK Construction
Source SAK Construction
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, St. Louis District, awarded a $9.178 million contract to SAK Construction for the Old Mill Creek Phase 1A project for the Metropolitan St. Louis Sewer District. The project, which targets the aging Old Mill Creek Sewer and smaller connecting sewers, is designed to eliminate or control related sewer overflows that affect both the city of St. Louis and St. Louis County. SAK, a national pipeline rehabilitation and tunneling industries contractor headquartered in the St. Louis area, won the contract in a negotiated request for proposal solicitation.
The Old Mill Creek Phase 1A project is partially funded by the Clean Water State Revolving Fund of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) of 2009, which provides significant funding for states to finance high priority infrastructure projects needed to ensure clean water and safe drinking water.
“With America’s aging infrastructure, communities nationwide face serious issues related to deteriorating sanitary sewers, storm sewers and water mains,” said Charlie Kuhnmuench, vice president of business development at SAK Construction. “To help clients avoid or solve water-related problems, we develop and deliver the specific, most cost-effective pipeline solutions—such as cured-in-place pipe—that will work best for each community’s sewer and water main needs. For the Old Mill Creek project, we’ll apply a cross-section of trenchless technologies to rehabilitate the sewer and its connectors with minimal disruption to the above-ground environment.”
SAK Construction will rehabilitate 5,360 linear ft of the arch-shaped, 15-ft-tall, 20-ft-wide Old Mill Creek sewer and connecting sewers. Work on the existing century-old structure, which is built of limestone block and brick, requires external chemical grouting; reinforcement of the concrete invert; repair of 8-in., 12-in., 15-in. and 18-in. lateral sewer pipes; the application of reinforced shotcrete lining; and protection and restoration of the site. The project’s scheduled completion date, subject to delays due to high river stages, is the end of November 2011.
Source: SAK Construction