Halifax to Help Protect Local Harbor from Pollution

July 5, 2005

Canadian contractor Black and McDonald has placed an order for 22 Storm Monster overflow screens from JWC Environmental for a massive sewage treatment project that will serve the cities surrounding Halifax Harbor, including Dartmouth, Herring Cove and Halifax.

During heavy rain storms or overflow events the 22 Storm Monsters, each weighing over a ton and some as long as 35 ft, will play a key role in protecting the harbor by screening out municipal and industrial pollutants, discharging them into the downstream sewage flow and preventing them from escaping into the environment.

"The selection of the Storm Monster was a combined effort between ourselves, the general contractor and the design engineers, based on the required performance specification," said Robert Burns, the project team leader for Black & McDonald. "There were several items in the design that were superior to the other technologies."

Storm Monster is a breakthrough technology in the combined stormwater overflow (CSO) marketplace and provides outstanding capture efficiency and flow rates in an extremely demanding application.

Rotating perforated panels with 1?4" openings capture pollutants and solids and move them to a solid-clad cleaning brush that returns the solids to the downstream sewage flow for processing at the treatment plant. Because the Storm Monster allows flow to enter through the top, bottom and front, it achieves nearly twice the flow rate of a single entry storm screen.

Installation of the Storm Monsters will begin this year. The massive project, initiated by the Halifax Regional Municipality in 1997, includes the construction of three wastewater treatment plants, a collection network through 3 communities, 22 CSO chambers and several pump stations.

"The city overall is quite excited about the project," said Burns, a 25 year resident of Halifax. "The expectations of the water quality have some in the city talking about applying for international sailing events and the return of recreational activities on the water."

Source: JWC