Chapel Hill, N.C. Signs Storm Water Contract with Consultants

Sept. 14, 2005

In a sweep of approvals, the Chapel Hill, N.C. Town Council set in motion a contract with a consultant company to manage the fight against storm water-runoff pollution, according to a report in the Daily Tar Heel.

Jewell Engineering Consultants, PC, now is approved to start managing the growing problem of pollutant buildup in runoff flowing from developed town areas.

"The storm water management plan is intended to be a holistic, dynamic, strategic framework for how the storm water utility and program continues to be implemented in Chapel Hill," said Scott Bryant, project manager at Jewell.

Bryant said the plan will cover erosion, flooding, watershed protection and water pollution issues and is expected to be a yearlong or multiyear project.

The consultants will work with the board to alleviate local pollution and flooding, both issues that the town has faced in the past.

Source: DTH