U.S. Water Alliance Testifies for Water Infrastructure Investment

March 14, 2013

U.S. Water Alliance President Ben Grumbles advocates public-private partnerships

U.S. Water Alliance President Ben Grumbles testified at an oversight hearing convened by the House Appropriations Subcommittee on Interior, Environment and Related Agencies. The committee is looking at infrastructure funding. “You can’t sustain a world-class economy with a second class water infrastructure system,” warned Grumbles. “That’s what we’ll have if we don’t act with vision and courage, nationally as well as locally.”

Grumbles was asked to testify based on his previous involvement at the federal and state levels, but most importantly because of the leading role the U.S. Water Alliance plays in convening leaders to explore solutions through integration, innovation and collaboration. Suggesting a path with solutions, Grumbles explained, “We can avoid a crisis if we work together to shift the water paradigm from  ‘invisible to invaluable,’ increase public-private partnerships and foster innovative, ‘one water’ solutions involving green infrastructure and resource recovery.” The U.S. Water Alliance represents a diverse range of interests seeking to advance more holistic watershed-based approaches. It has been a national focal point for bringing together a one-water management network. It has also drawn attention to green infrastructure and resource recovery through its annual conference on urban water sustainability.

In addition to Grumbles, Howard Neukrug, Philadelphia’s water commissioner and vice-chair of the U.S. Water Alliance, also testified on behalf of the National Association of Clean Water Agencies as well as representatives from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, the Government Accountability Office, the American Water Works Association, American Water and the National Association of Water Companies. Grumbles’ complete testimony can be found on the Alliance website.

Source: The U.S. Water Alliance