New ASCE Book Explores the Future of Engineering

Dec. 18, 2013
The book aims to redefine the preparation of the engineer of the 21st century
The American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) published its new book “Raise the Bar,” edited by Jeffrey S. Russell and Thomas A. Lenox. The book provides engineering educators and practitioners with a synopsis of the initiative to redefine the preparation of the engineer of the 21st century. ASCE has articulated the position that, in the future, education beyond the baccalaureate degree would be necessary for entry into the professional practice of civil engineering.

“Raise the Bar,” contains 10 papers recording the history and evaluating the effectiveness of ASCE’s Raise the Bar initiative. These papers include current and accurate information about the broad areas of professionalism, the body of knowledge, curricula and experiential development, accreditation and licensing. They provide a foundation for future efforts to change the education and practice of civil engineering. 

Source: American Society of Civil Engineers