The town of Swampscott, Mass., has selected Kleinfelder to develop an integrated climate change coastal resiliency and flood control plan to help the community plan and prepare for sea level rise, flooding from extreme rainfall and intense storm surges.
Paid for by a $70,100 Coastal Community Resilience Grant, the project contains six goals:
- Develop an inundation model to assess coastal and inland flooding; determining the most vulnerable and at-risk infrastructure, buildings, and natural resources;
- Developing recommendations to reduce risk;
- Review existing policies to promote climate change adaptation;
- Recommend long-term adaptation strategies;
- Promoting public education; and
- Provide outreach about climate change risk and resiliency throughout the community.
Kleinfelder’s proprietary climate change vulnerability and risk assessment services rank and prioritize climate change vulnerabilities across a variety of assets and systems, including infrastructure, the natural environment and public health. The rankings are then translated into implementable actions to help cities and stakeholders prepare for a changing climate.