AWWA Introduces Very Small, Rural Utility Compensation Survey
Source American Water Works Assn.
The American Water Works Assn. (AWWA) is encouraging very small and rural water utilities to participate in its first-ever compensation survey specifically focused on very small and rural water and wastewater systems. The survey results will be complied together for utilities to examine salaries, salary ranges and compensation practices of similarly sized utilities.
The new rural utility compensation survey is included in AWWA’s 2015 Water and Wastewater Utility Compensation Survey. That survey, previously only for large and small/medium utilities, has been updated to include job descriptions exclusive to very small and rural systems. The deadline to participate in the survey is April 30, 2015.
Small and rural utilities can e-mail the survey vendor to participate in the survey. As an incentive to participate, one survey respondent will win an Apple iPad Air 2. Responding utilities can also purchase the full compensation survey results at a 30% discount.
Source: American Water Works Assn.