APWA Reappoints Susan Hann to ISI Board

Jan. 31, 2020
Hann to serve three-year term

The American Public Works Assn. (APWA) announced the reappointment of Susan M. Hann, P.E., AICP, PWLF, director of planning and project management for Brevard Public Schools in Brevard County, Florida, to the Institute for Sustainable Infrastructure (ISI) Board of Directors. With the reappointment, Hann will serve a three-year term Jan. 1, 2017, to Dec. 31, 2019, on the 11-member ISI Board as one of the three appointments representing APWA, which is one of the ISI Founding Partners organizations.

The ISI is a nonprofit organization dedicated to working with public and private owners, designers, contractors, and materials/equipment manufacturers and suppliers to forge a new vision for sustainable infrastructure through the Envision infrastructure rating system.

Hann will provide the APWA public sector perspective to the ISI Board’s deliberations.

“The APWA Board is pleased to reappoint Susan Hann again to the ISI Board of Directors for her past service, and current role as chair of the ISI Board of Directors, and for her continued service to the APWA,” said APWA President Ron Calkins, P.E., PWLF of Ventura, Calif. “We look forward to her continued dedication and support of APWA, and her excellent work on the ISI Board of Directors with the two other APWA-designated Board members for 2017: Gary Lee Moore, city engineer for the City of Los Angeles; and Patty Hilderbrand, MPA, PE, division manager, Coordination Services, City of Kansas City.”

Hann has been a member of APWA since 2003, which has included membership on the Leadership and Management Committee from 2003 to 2008, as well as membership of the Government Affairs Committee, Finance Committee, Transportation Sustainability Subcommittee, Sustainable Infrastructure Rating System, SAFETEA-LU Task Force, Transportation Committee, APWA Board of Directors Director-At-Large for Transportation, Emerging Leaders Academy and the Donal C. Stone Credentialing Council. She has also been an ISI Board member since 2014.

Source: American Public Works Assn.