Quarry Owner Settles Lawsuit Over Flood Control Plan
The village of La Grange, Ill., has settled a lawsuit with Hanson Material Service Corp., owner of a quarry in McCook, Ill., over a village flood protection project. Under the resolution, the village, owner and the Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago (MWRDGC) will work together to mitigate flooding in the neighborhood, while minimizing storm water runoff in the quarry.
According to The Chicago Tribune, the conflict arose under the village’s original plan to build a 54-in. storm sewer beneath 50th St., a lateral sewer along 9th Ave., and a floodwall along Brainard Ave., to manage neighborhood flooding. However, Hanson filed suit in July 2016, arguing that the potential plan would quadruple storm water sent to the quarry. While the company originally was seeking $7 million from the village, the final settlement did not include any such payment.
Under the new agreement, storm water will no longer be released into the quarry. Instead, La Grange will build a connecting water pipe under 50th St. bordering McCook. Hanson will pay for a connecting pipe that will carry water from East Ave. around the quarry into the McCook ditch. MWRDGC will create a retention pond on the northeast corner of the quarry, as well.
Moving forward, the village will work with MWRDGC to further develop plans. Updates on the status of the project will be available on the village’s website.