
Oct. 1, 2014

WEFTEC.14 is drawing to a close in New Orleans after several busy days of educational and technical sessions, presentations, meetings and walking the floor.

During my conversations with readers, associations, organizations and solution providers at the show, I've noticed one word came up over and over: innovation.

It also was the theme of the opening general session, during which bestselling author Luke Williams urged his audience not to be afraid to buck the system through disruption and innovation, which can only come about when there is a mingling of viewpoints—two people of similar backgrounds having a brainstorming session are not as likely to be an ideas powerhouse as two people of dissimilar backgrounds having the same discussion. To innovate, we have to get out of our comfort zone and open our minds to fresh perspectives, because otherwise, we're just shouting into a vacuum.

Trade shows are a great way for professionals of various backgrounds to connect with each other and get new perspective on the same problems everyone shares, including complying with regulations in a feasible way, funding operations and management, getting the best products in the most cost-effective ways and becoming more sustainable while staying productive.

If you attended the show, I hope you were able to gain some fresh inspiration through conversation and education. For those of you who couldn't make it, don't forget that the 2015 SWS Virtual Expo, taking place on April 1, is a great way to experience an exchange of ideas without ever leaving your office. Stay tuned for more details as we get closer to the event.