With the New Year comes new beginnings, and a new face at the helm of SWS.
As the new managing editor, I am excited to be immersed in the storm water and erosion control industry. After more than three years as an associate editor for SWS, I hope to follow in the footsteps of my predecessor as I step into this new role by maintaining the quality content readers expect as well as continually improving our print and online offerings.
It is an exciting time to be in this industry. Now more than ever, storm water experts are being called upon to provide solutions that will save time and money while doing the most good for the environment. Climate change and drought have made headlines, putting our industry top-of-mind for the public, and highlighting the importance of our roles as leaders in the fight for water security. The evolution of technology and the rise of green solutions ensure that industry professionals are equipped to solve the most difficult challenges in a responsible manner. The future of the industry looks bright, and I am eager to be a part of it.
At SWS, we will continue to stay on top of the latest developments and trends in the storm water and erosion control industry in order to bring you the best possible editorial content. I look forward to working with you!