Collaboration & Innovation

Sept. 25, 2024
Editor Katie Johns talks about StormCon, 2024 Top Projects winners and the 2024 State of the Industry survey.

I am writing this fresh off my return home from StormCon. From the exhibit floor and the networking receptions and lunches to the educational sessions and tours, it was a packed show through and through. I thoroughly enjoyed talking with so many of you, and I hope all of you who attended had as much fun as our team here at Stormwater Solutions did.  

We are already gearing up for StormCon 2025, which will be held in Orlando, Florida, from August 26-28, 2025. I hope we see you there!  

While at StormCon, we announced our 2024 Top Projects winners. And now, I am excited to share articles and photos of each project in this issue.  Startin on page 8, you can read all about our five 2024 Top Projects. The #1 project this year is the City of Santa Ana King Street Urban Greening Project, which transformed 9,000 square feet of unused public space into a community green space while diverting runoff, among other stormwater management efforts. Each project this year emphasized innovation and collaboration, two of the biggest pillars we look for in our Top Projects award program. In addition to these articles, I have conducted video interviews with stakeholders from each project that you can find on our website at  

I also wanted to take a moment to ask you to please take our 2024 State of the Industry survey. I know it is hard to believe it is already nearly Q 4of the year, but your input on this survey is greatly appreciated. The results will be covered editorially, but the input helps me direct the content for the entire year going forward. It helps me shape articles, videos and webinars that will address the topics you are most interested in. Please take a few minutes to take the survey at this link:  

Please enjoy this issue, and join me in congratulating our 2024 Top Projects winners. We accept nominations all yearlong at  


About the Author

Katie Johns

Katie Johns, editor-in-chief of Stormwater Solutions, graduated from the University of Missouri in 2016 with a Bachelor of Journalism and a Bachelor of Arts in Spanish. Johns joined the Stormwater Solutions team in September 2019. Johns also helps plan the annual StormCon conference and co-hosts the Talking Under Water podcast. Prior to entering the B2B industry, she worked as a newspaper reporter and editor in Sarasota, Florida, and a magazine assistant editor in the Chicago suburbs. She can be reached at [email protected].