Culvert Invert Protection

July 18, 2017
Ohio county tests geosynthetic cementitious composite mat in culvert

The Ohio Department of Transportation’s (ODOT) Office of Hydraulic Engineering had interest in utilizing Concrete Cloth in a culvert lining/protection demonstration project. It would be used as a substitute to the ODOT standard practice of field-paving an invert with 3-in.-thick reinforced concrete. Administrator for the Office of Hydraulic Engineering Jeff Syar led the efforts to locate a suitable candidate project.

A 114-in.-by-77-in. corrugated metal arch culvert under state Rte. 732 south of Oxford, Ohio, was selected as a possible candidate. R.B. Jergens Contractors Inc. was under contract with the ODOT District 8 office to field-pave the invert. An inspection of the culvert by Milliken Infrastructure and District 8 personnel revealed that the minor deterioration and pitting of the invert made the culvert a suitable choice for Concrete Cloth lining.

Details of the side of the invert lining after the application of Concrete Cloth geosynthetic cementitious composite mat and after the culvert had been returned to service.


The District 8 office executed a change order to substitute the field paving with Concrete Cloth. Approximately 1,000 sq ft of CC8 fabric was placed in the lower third of the culvert along the entire 62-ft length. The lining process took place in May of 2016 and was completed in one week by R.B. Jergens.

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A recent inspection revealed the Concrete Cloth lining is performing well. District 8 Culvert Engineer Jeff Meyer expressed his satisfaction with the installation as well as the performance of the lining, and he will consider its use on future projects.