High School Installs Detention System Below Athletic Field

March 13, 2019

A storm water detention system handles more than 62,000 cu ft of runoff at a Minnesota high school

The local high school in Delano, Minn., decided a renovation to their stadium was in order. Among the renovations, a new detention system was to be installed under the athletic field. After consulting with the project engineers and contractors, the school system decided to go with corrugated steel pipe for the system. The storage volume of this system was designed to handle more than 62,000 cu ft.

Due to the storage volume requirements, the excavation footprint was large. This was a 4 barrel, 2 manifold system that, when assembled, was 37 ft wide by 400 ft long, making it longer than the football field itself. Clay soils had to be removed and clean granular backfill was brought in. Trucks, dozers and excavators were operating continuously during working hours.  Because working hours happened to overlap school hours, working on the new detention system was especially difficult during the times before school started and after school ended.

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