Cheers to 2022, Hello 2023

Nov. 30, 2022

As many of you know, earlier this year, Storm Water Solutions, along with sister publications Water & Wastes Digest and Water Quality Products, and fellow Infrastructure Group brands Roads & Bridges and Construction Equipment, were acquired from Scranton Gillette Communications by Endeavor Business Media.  

And, as we look to next year and begin to plan our editorial content, I have an exciting announcement. In 2023, Storm Water Solutions (SWS) and Stormwater Magazine, will merge into one publication – Stormwater Solutions. The new Stormwater Solutions will be the premiere stormwater and surface water quality magazine in the B2B space. You can expect the same content you always have from these two publications, now just in one, convenient place.  

We’re working on a brand-new website too, but that will take just a bit longer. In the meantime, you can continue visiting both and for all your storm water and erosion control news and trends updates. Eventually, you will be redirected to the proper site.  

Our webinar series will be continuing, our digital content, including videos and web exclusives, will be continuing, and we look forward to being your go-to resource for all things stormwater.  

But before we say goodbye to 2022 and move on to 2023, I want to make sure we properly recognize our 2022 Top Projects. This annual program recognizes 10 of the best projects that occurred throughout the past year. We had a large number of nominations this year, and it is great to see so many solid projects happening in the industry. Not only are these projects highlighted in this issue, but you can also watch an interview with stakeholders from each project on  

This issue is also our annual Case Book. The case studies on the following pages also tell the story of various industry projects, so I hope you find this issue helpful, and maybe even inspiring, as you look to work through your next challenging, innovative project.  

Have a happy and healthy holiday season. We’ll see you in 2023.