IN-SITUThe Aqua TROLL 600 Multiparameter Sonde is the newest advancement in state-of-the-art water monitoring technology and is ideal for both spot-checking and long-term deployment. It features internal data logging, 9+ month battery life, drift-resistant sensors, and active and passive antifouling systems to ensure years of performance. Its simple telemetry setup with real-time information and alarming, smartphone app control, and a quick-read LCD status screen make maintenance and deployment fast and
BIOCLEAN ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES INC.The Watergate ARS is an automatic retractable screen that blocks trash and debris from entering storm drains during dry-weather flows and light to moderate rain. During these periods the screen remains closed and locked to allow removal of trash and debris by routine street sweeping operations. During periods of increased flow and heavy rain, the screen will unlock and open to allow runoff into the storm drain to prevent flooding. When the water flow subsides, the screen will return to the closed and locked