More Than 1,000 Envision Sustainability Professionals Credentialed

Dec. 11, 2013
ISI credentialed practitioners are trained to use the Envision rating system

The Institute for Sustainable Infrastructure (ISI) has reached the milestone of having more than 1,000 Envision sustainability professionals (ENV SPs) from across North America credentialed in the use of the Envision sustainable infrastructure rating system. These ISI credentialed practitioners are trained to use the Envision rating system as a guide to address sustainability dimensions in the design, construction, and operation of an infrastructure project. ENV SPs work together with project design teams from both the public and private sectors to provide technical expertise and guide the team on ways of improving the sustainability metrics of projects.

Since the launch of Envision in 2012, more than 400 companies, public agencies and universities have provided applications for credentialing their organization’s sustainability professionals. Public sector sustainability professionals account for about 20% of the total credentialed. “The two largest public agencies that have credentialed the highest number of ENV SPs to date are the Los Angeles County Department of Public Works (LA County DPW) and the New York City Department of Environmental Protection (NYC DEP),” said ISI Executive Director Bill Bertera.

Half of the ENV SPs are from companies that have 10 or more credentialed ENV SPs, indicating significant interest, support and investment from leaders in the industry. Private sector companies include, ARCADIS, Arup, Black & Veatch, Burns & McDonnell, Gannett Fleming, HDR, HNTB Corp., Psomas, Stantec and Vanasse Hangen Brustlin Inc. are already on the fast track to high numbers of sustainability professionals who have been Envision credentialed. Canadian-based Stantec is also working to credential 100 of its employees as ENV SPs for upcoming sustainable infrastructure projects.

The Envision sustainable infrastructure rating system is applicable to all types, sizes and complexities of civil and private infrastructure, and is already providing useful sustainability ratings in infrastructure projects such as storm water management, roads, watershed projects, water and wastewater, airports and rail systems.

Source: Institute for Sustainable Infrastructure