Mattress Lines Channel for California Gulch Mine Reclamation Project
The mattresses’ physical properties made them a logical choice. “Other materials available, such as gabion baskets made of galvanized wire, can corrode due to the water’s pH,” White explains. “This material was resistant to corrosion.” “Because they’re made of HDPE [high-density polyethylene], the mattresses wouldn’t break down in the water,” Ross adds. “They’re also 99% [ultraviolet] stabilized, so the environment won’t degrade them.”The task of securing 36,000 ft.2 of channel area was started in August 2002 and completed the next month, ahead of schedule. “The project went a lot faster than I anticipated,” White relates. “Filling gabion baskets, for example, is time-consuming, but here there was a frame made.” By putting the prefabricated mattresses inside the frame, he describes, the Nielsons Skanska Inc. crews (the project’s general contractor/installer) filled twice as many mattresses at one time as had been anticipated. “Crews held each mattress open within the frame like a large envelope, made a funnel at the top, poured in neutral rock with no acid-generation properties – general riprap – then laced the HDPE fabric together. The guys were just flying. The project was finished in almost half the time, which certainly saved us on labor costs.”Constructed with Tensar Uniaxial Geogrid (UXTriton200), each mattress measured 12 in. thick x 5 ft. wide x 20 ft. long. Transverse compartments were created by specifying internal baffles at 1.5-ft. intervals, and each compartment was filled with 4- to 6-in. stones. The channel was excavated, and then a crane was used to put the 300 flexible mattresses in place. “The first time they picked one up, I was surprised the mattress stayed together. I thought the material might break, but it didn’t,” White says. The mattresses were not seeded, nor was any growth material installed, but White states, “I anticipate sediments carried by runoff will consolidate in the rocks, and then vegetation may establish.” The mattresses also allowed the channel to be secured for nearly any water event. “We designed it for a 500-year flood, which should handle discharge greater than 350 cubic feet per second,” Ross explains.“We wanted to eliminate the wastewater from going over the rock, to control all the water,” White adds. “We don’t anticipate replacing these mattresses.”How are the mattresses holding up? “California Gulch doesn’t flow year-round, usually only in April and May,” says White. “We had normal snowfall this year and saw runoff go through it for the first time during mid-May. Things look good so far.”