Johnson Creek, Portland, OR, 1934Under ordinary conditions, wetlands and riparian areas have the capacity to store floodwater, thus serving to desynchronize flood events, diminish the erosive power of flood flows, and filter sediments. Slow release of water stored in wetlands recharges groundwater, which feeds streams during dry periods-an essential function in regulating the timing and quantity of runoff and in sustaining aquatic life. Corridors along hydrogeomorphically connected wetlands provide a means for wildlife to move through and between ecosystems. High groundwater also supports a community of plants that is quite different from the vegetation of the better-drained hillslopes above; thus, wetlands support a surprising array of wildlife. The roots of wetland and riparian plants help to stabilize streambanks and shorelines, and this vegetation also takes up nutrients and contaminants in stormwater.Wetland FunctionsPeople, Fish, and Wildlife. Recreation . Vegetation diversity. Endangered species. Shoreline stabilization. Breeding areas for water birds. Habitat for migratory and wintering water birds. Habitat for resident and anadromous fish. Amphibian and turtle habitat. Food-chain support Hydrologic System Support. Groundwater storage. Base flow to streams . Flood storage and desynchronization. Flood energy dissipation. Infiltration. InterceptionWater-Quality Support. Nutrient removal. Detoxification. Processing of inorganic solids. Water-temperature regulation . Sediment trapping. Phosphorus and nitrogen processing Residents, planners, park directors, and public works people are noticing that both channels and channel-margin environments are being degraded by the stormwater burdens that urban streams are forced to carry. Less precipitation is captured by the leaves and needles of trees, absorbed by humus, or infiltrated into the soil. More runs off into gutters and storm drains and is discharged immediately to streams. Common stormwater pollutants, such as pesticides, oil, grease, and metals shed from cars, can contribute to this degradation. Urban homeowners apply three times more pesticides per acre than farmers, according to Pimentel.As increasing imperviousness hastens runoff, the hydrology of local streams changes. During the wet season, streams convey higher flows more frequently than in predevelopment conditions. During the dry season, the flows are lower because there is less groundwater available to recharge them. Repeated high flows are eroding streambeds and banks. The eroded sediments are transported downstream and deposited in reaches with lower velocities. These sediments often are remobilized by high flows and deposited overbank in stream margins during flood events, often at rates far exceeding those of undisturbed stream systems. The sediment takes up volume that otherwise might be occupied by water during high-flow events and diminishes the ability of channel-margin vegetation to filter suspended sediments from flood waters.How Streams Disappear: A Case Study
Dredge discharge filling Guilds Lake in the Willamette River floodplain. Zoning is the toolbox that will result in the implementation of this remarkable range of practices. To devise watershed-based zoning, Tom Schueler of the Center for Watershed Protection in Ellicott City, MD (, recommends that the community undertake a comprehensive physical, chemical, and biological monitoring program to assess the current quality of its streams and identify the most sensitive stream systems. Existing and future impervious surfaces in each watershed should be mapped, and the relationships between stream condition and imperviousness should be reviewed. The desired future condition of each stream is then determined. Based on these resource objectives for streams and watersheds, policies are developed that address buffer widths, limits on impervious cover, and other BMPs to support the desired future condition of the resources. These policies and practices are then applied to future development projects.
Vast wetlands at the Willamette River’s margin were filled to accommodate what is now Oregon’s most dense industrial area. On a recent lecture tour of the Portland metropolitan region, where the regional government is working with stakeholders to develop a regional stream-protection program, Condon noted that lower densities encourage sprawl, create inordinate costs and burdens of providing infrastructure, price lower-income citizens out of the market, create segregation by income, and result in flight from the urban center, longer commutes, higher gas consumption, and more air pollution. Older developed areas have about a quarter the amount of infrastructure per person as suburban areas, he observed.“The health of individual sites has everything to do with the ecological health of a region,” remarked Condon, adding that standards for community design should consider air quality as well as water quality. He proposed six development policies to achieve community environmental health:1. Provide different dwelling types in the same neighborhood. Achieve this through small residential lots and multistory, mixed-use commercial and residential development. Older commercial developments are approaching redevelopment and will be future valuable land resources in urban areas.2. Ensure that everyone should have access to transit and shops within a five-minute walking distance. Achieve this with 10 dwelling units per acre (25 people) and mixed-use development.3. Require dwellings to present a friendly face to the street.4. Plan interconnected street systems that give way to natural systems. Circulation systems should allow pedestrians to cross streams but keep road crossings to a minimum. Dispersed surface traffic should be encouraged by providing a system of interconnected roads.5. Develop lighter, greener, cheaper, smarter infrastructure. Minimize road widths and structure footprints and maximize infiltration opportunities. Aim for 300-ft. blocks and 50-60% canopy in the developed area. Outslope streets to drain to an infiltration BMP that performs at 0.04 in./hr. during winter conditions. Provide 130-ft. greenways to buffer artificial surface drainages in linear riparian parks that also serve as bike and pedestrian pathways. Use open-graded street pavements, soft shoulders, and graveled common driveway lanes. Use “wet roofs” to hold rainfall and evaporate it back into the atmosphere. Avoid curbs and piped drainage systems.6. Develop natural drainage systems where surface runoff infiltrates back into the soil. A 200-year-old Douglas fir tree can hold a thousand gallons of stormwater on its needles. Dennis King and Lisa Wainger of the University of Maryland’s Center for Environmental Science have devised a method to identify and determine the economic values of “services” such as stormwater detention, provided by natural resources ( In addition to the production and recreation services that natural resources provide, King and Wainger count municipal uses such as groundwater recharge, purification of drinking water, and pollution prevention. To this mix of active services, they add aesthetics and opportunities for research and education. But the list gets more interesting when passive services are considered; for example, the avoided costs of flooding, the avoided costs of health care, and the regional effects of natural resources on regulating climate and air quality.