IECA Names Environmental Connection 2015 Presenter of the Year
Source International Erosion Control Assn.
International Erosion Control Assn. Region One (IECA) named to Wesley C. Zech, PhD, LEED AP its Environmental Connection 2015 Presenter of the Year for his presentation, “Evaluation of Inlet Protection Practices Using Large‐scale Testing Techniques.”
“My presentation focused on testing we have conducted in evaluating the performance of standard inlet protection practices using large‐scale, channelized flows indicative of conditions experienced on construction sites,” Zech said. “The intent of the research was to make improvements to standard practices to obtain better in‐field performance and results. Improved practices will better serve the industry in protecting receiving water bodies from sedimentation and other construction generated pollutants. I am honored to be recognized by the industry and IECA for our work regarding the improvement of various erosion and sediment control practices. I’d like to extend my sincere appreciation to our sponsor ALDOT for funding this research, and to all the students and research technicians who have dedicated many hours to this effort, which played a vital role in the development of the presented material.”
Wesley C. Zech is the Brasfield & Gorrie associate professor of construction engineering and management in the Department of Civil Engineering at Auburn University. Zech attended the University at Buffalo where he earned his B.S., M.E., and Ph.D. degrees in civil engineering. He currently teaches courses in the areas of construction engineering, construction safety and health management, and erosion and sediment control. A primary focus of Zech’s research program is in the area of evaluating the performance of erosion and sediment control practices using large‐scale testing techniques.
Source: International Erosion Control Assn.