CST INDUSTRIES INC. Celebrating 125 years of legacy, CST Industries Inc. has installed over 350,000 tanks and 18,000 covers in over 125 countries. CST is home to world-class brands including Aquastore, TecTank (formerly Columbian TecTank), and OptiDome. CST’s aluminum domes, flat panel covers, and reservoir covers are versatile enough to permit a wide range of accessories important to the water and wastewater industry. CST tanks are available in bolted and welded designs; capacities of 4,000 to 6,000,000+ gallons; and in-ground, standpipe, or elevated configurations. CST tanks and covers are manufactured in United States ISO Certified facilities and supported by dedicated service teams.www.cstindustries.com
PERMASTORE With over 57 years’ experience, Permastore is the global market leader in modular, bolted Glass-Fused-to-Steel and Fusion Bonded Epoxy tanks and silos for the municipal, industrial, and agricultural environments worldwide. Permastore has supplied over 300,000 structures in over 110 countries.
Permastore is committed to supplying the highest quality internationally recognized solution through its global network of local distributors and is the only manufacturer who publishes fully detailed, independently audited, quality standards on its entire product range. Permastore also supplies a complete range of roofs and covers as part of its PERMADOME product portfolio.
LAMOTTE COMPANY LaMotte Company introduces new Ratiometric versions of their popular 2020 series turbidimeters. The model 2020t and 2020i are portable handheld units for use in the field or lab. The 2020t unit is compliant with the EPA 180.1 standard, using a tungsten light source, while the 2020i is compliant to the ISO standard and ideal for high-range turbidity measurements. In nephelometric mode, samples are measured from 0–40 NTU/FNU, in ratiometric mode from 40–1000 NTRU/FNRU, and in the high range 1000–2000AU. The units are designed for low-turbidity drinking water applications, mid-range industrial applications, and high-range environmental applications.www.lamotte.com