More Info on Coanda
COANDA specializes in removing trash, gross solids, and particulate pollutants of concern from storm water runoff. The core technology involves the application of proprietary tilted Wedgewire COANDA screens in flowing water, where debris is instantaneously separated. Unlike all other screening devices, water and particulate matter do not compete for the same opening, hence COANDA screens are designed to treat peak flows without clogging, and are self-cleaning. The United States Bureau of Reclamation, a Federal agency which has tested and uses COANDA screens has stated, “These screens have large flow capacities and are hydraulically self-cleaning without moving parts, so they require minimal maintenance,” (Report No. R-03-03, U.S. Department of the Interior, July 2003).
COANDA products include channel screens, curb inlet retrofits, new curb inlet facilities, downspouts, and detention basin screens. All screens are made of rugged, stainless steel construction, with no moving parts, designed for 40 year life cycle. Maintenance is extremely easy and cost-effective. Field testing has demonstrated significant removal of nutrients and metals associated with particulate phase. Performance is backed by guarantee. Case studies which support these claims are available on our website, along with videos and product information.