EPA Proposes Removing 72 Chemicals From Inert List

Oct. 25, 2014

WASHINGTON – The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is requesting public comment on a proposal to remove 72 chemicals from its list of substances approved for use as inert ingredients in pesticide products. 

“We are taking action to ensure that these ingredients are not added to any pesticide products unless they have been fully vetted by EPA,” said Jim Jones, Assistant Administrator for the Office of Chemical Safety and Pollution Prevention.  “This is the first major step in our strategy to reduce risks from pesticides containing potentially hazardous inert ingredients.” 

EPA is taking this action in response to petitions by the Center for Environmental Health, Beyond Pesticides, Physicians for Social Responsibility and others. These groups asked the agency to issue a rule requiring disclosure of 371 inert ingredients found in pesticide products. EPA developed an alternative strategy designed to reduce the risks posed by hazardous inert ingredients in pesticide products more effectively than by disclosure rulemaking. EPA outlined its strategy in a May 22, 2014 letter (http://www.regulations.gov/#!documentDetail;D=EPA-HQ-OPP-2014-0558-0003) to the petitioners.

Many of the 72 inert ingredients targeted for removal, are on the list of 371 inert ingredients identified by the petitioners as hazardous. The 72 chemicals are not currently being used as inert ingredients in any pesticide product.  Chemicals such as, turpentine oil and nitrous oxide are listed as candidates for removal. 

Most pesticide products contain a mixture of different ingredients. Ingredients that are directly responsible for controlling pests such as insects or weeds are called active ingredients.  An inert ingredient is any substance that is intentionally included in a pesticide that is not an active ingredient.

For the list of 72 chemical substances and to receive information on how to provide comments, see the Federal Register Notice in docket # EPA-HQ-OPP-2014-0558.  To access this notice, copy and paste the docket number into the search box at http://regulations.gov. Comments are due November 21, 2014.

General information on inert ingredients can be found at http://www2.epa.gov/pesticide-registration/inert-ingredients-overview-and-guidance.

Source: US EPA