From Wachs Water
Non-Revenue Water, and specifically real water loss, is a growing challenge and opportunity for water utilities. Scarcity of water resources in many areas of the country has dramatically escalated the importance and cost of real loss. This white paper has been prepared for utilities who have an interest in developing programs to reduce losses from their drinking water distribution systems. The success of a real water loss control program depends on planning, “fi t for purpose” solutions, dedicated continuous delivery and measuring results. This paper provides information on Wachs Water Services delivery services that provide solutions to utilities looking to meet their water loss prevention goals.
Every day in the United States over six billion gallons of water withdrawn from rivers, lakes and wells slated for public use never reach a billed customer. As operational costs and the price of developing new water supplies increase (if new supplies are even available), alternative options to supply communities with water have become critically important. Cities searching for additional water resources are realizing that conservation of the water they currently have rights to is less expensive than purchasing additional water rights. In some cases, conservation of water is the only short-term water resource available.
Due to increasing demands on already limited water resources, utilities are beginning to shift their thinking from not only repairing major leaks and ruptures when they occur (a run to failure approach) to proactively looking for unseen, non-surfacing leaks and repairing them, to save valuable water resources, to save money and to capture earned revenue.
Non revenue water (NRW), is water that has been produced but does not get paid for. Losses can be real losses through leaks or apparent losses through metering inaccuracies. High levels of NRW are detrimental to the financial viability of water utilities, aswell to the quality of water itself.To download the entire white paper for free from the Wachs Water website, click here.