Contech Engineered Solutions

West Chester, US 45069


About Contech Engineered Solutions


West Chester, US 45069

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Storm water management is becoming ever more complex as regulations get more strict with each permit cycle. It is no longer enough to simply move water away from a site—we are now often required to retain and treat it. Traditional methods and BMPs simply aren’t enough. To succeed in this rapidly changing environment, you need a partner to help you navigate the complexities of local, state and federal regulations, who is responsive to your requests and provides innovative solutions that save your clients money and accelerate the design process. With our responsive team of storm water experts, local regulatory expertise and flexible storm water management solutions, Contech is the trusted partner you can count on for storm water management solutions.

Products and Press Releases


Filterra® Bioretention

Aug. 13, 2021
Filterra is similar to bioretention in its function and application but has been optimized for high volume/flow treatment and high pollutant removal. Its small footprint allows...
Stormwater Management


May 18, 2021
The storm water management StormFilter uses rechargeable, self-cleaning, media-filled cartridges to absorb and retain challenging pollutants from storm water runoff, including...

Cascade Separator

Feb. 16, 2021
The Cascade separator is an innovation in hydrodynamic separation from Contech. It uses advanced sediment capture technology to provide the highest sediment removal efficiency...
Stormwater Management

The Jellyfish Filter

May 27, 2020
The Jellyfish Filter is a storm water-quality treatment technology featuring high flow pretreatment and membrane filtration in a compact standalone system. It removes floatables...
Stormwater BMPs

Filterra Bioretention

Nov. 18, 2019
Filterra is an engineered bioretention system. While it operates similar to traditional bioretention, its high flow media allows for a reduction in footprint of up to 95% versus...
Stormwater Management

Concrete Detention & Infiltration Systems

Jan. 29, 2019
Contech provides modular precast concrete detention and infiltration systems that are designed to provide economic, below-grade storm water detention or infiltration. Modular ...
Vegetation Management

Rainwater Harvesting Cistern

Jan. 29, 2019
DuroMaxx rainwater harvesting cisterns are constructed of DuroMaxx steel-reinforced polyethylene (SRPE) for a strong and durable storage solution. These cisterns are available...

Contech Engineered Solutions

May 29, 2018
Contech Engineered Solutions' website contains a host of resources for engineers in need of storm water management, wastewater treatment, sanitary sewer, drainage, bridge or erosion...

Pipe Rehab

May 29, 2018
Contech has been providing rehabilitation and relining solutions using steel and aluminum tunnel liner plate; steel and aluminum structural plate; steel-reinforced polyethylene...
Stormwater Management

Detention & Infiltration

April 15, 2016
CMP detention and infiltration systems store storm water exceeding a site’s allowable discharge rate and release it slowly over time. Systems can be sized and shaped to meet site...

Articles & News

There are 31 individual drainage areas on the site.

Updating an Amazon Warehouse Storm Water Design

Nov. 30, 2022
In April of 2020, engineers from Kier and Wright of Livermore, California, reached out to Contech to assist them with their Storm Water Quality Control Plan for a large warehouse...
Stormwater Management

VoidSaver™ Technology Reduces Detention System Size and Cost

July 22, 2022
Contech's VoidSaver™ technology was used on a massive underground stormwater detention system providing 500,000 cf of storage.
Stormwater Management

Bio Clean to be Integrated into Contech Engineered Solutions Customers

April 7, 2022
Bio Clean has a strong team with a 20-year history of product innovation and project success within the storm water industry.

Online Design Tool Used to Design Complex Detention System

Nov. 8, 2021
A 2,000-unit self-storage facility being built in Vancouver, WA required a robust stormwater management system. The original design called for Filterra Bioretention systems to...
Stormwater Management

California Mixed-Use Development Plan Utilizes Bioretention System

Sept. 7, 2021
This case study originally appeared in SWS September 2021 issue as "California Mixed-Use Development Plan Utilizes Bioretention System"
Stormwater Management

Storm Water Detention at a UPS Distribution Center in Houston, Texas

June 4, 2021
Growing demand sparked a 44-acre expansion project at a UPS distribution center in Houston, TX. Built in phases, the project consisted of expanded parking areas and the build-...

Low Impact Development Stormwater Treatment - Avion Mixed-Use Development

April 8, 2021
An immense development that includes 17 buildings and 1.25 million square feet of space used Filterra Bioretention to achieve Low Impact Development goals.
Stormwater Management

Contech’s Jellyfish Filter Receives Washington Ecology General Use Level Designation

March 4, 2021
Contech Engineered Solutions announced that the Washington State Department of Ecology, under the Technology Acceptance Protocol – Ecology (TAPE), has granted General...

Rialto Fulfillment Center

Nov. 12, 2020
162” diameter CMP was used to provide 1,588,038 CF of storage at a distribution center complex in Rialto, CA.

Underground Detention System Aids in Property Transformation

Sept. 29, 2020
Underground detention system aids in property transformation 

Videos & Resources

Stormwater Management

Explore Your Options: Stormwater Treatment Solutions Used on Publicly Funded Projects

Oct. 19, 2022
October 19, 2022. 2:00 PM EST | Register HereJoin Contech’s stormwater experts as we help civil engineers discover alternatives to achieving stormwater quality goals by examining...
Stormwater Management

Designing Complex Stormwater Projects: The People, Products and Tools to Solve Stormwater Problems

March 23, 2022
Wednesday, March 23, 2022 2:00-3:00 EST | Register HereJoin Contech’s stormwater experts as we explore eight unique stormwater management projects from across the country and ...

Contech’s GO BIG Brochure

Aug. 31, 2021
Stormwater management systems for warehouses require expert engineering, planning, and logistical support. When you need a proven, large-scale stormwater management system, “go...

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All content from Contech Engineered Solutions


Whispering Firs Stormwater Park

May 27, 2020
Whispering Firs is a regional stormwater facility that treats stormwater from Silverdale, WA, a community located on the Kitsap Peninsula in the State of Washington. Built on ...
Stormwater Management

At a Crossroads

Dec. 5, 2019
Major roadway improvement project manages storm water on site 
Erosion Control

How the Cascade Separator Works

Oct. 25, 2019
As the latest Contech innovation in hydrodynamic separation, the Cascade uses advanced sediment capture technology to provide removal efficiency, while also removing hydrocarbons...

Storm Drainage Project Preserves Public Park

Sept. 11, 2019
About the author: Contech Engineered | 800.338.1122Because the infrastructure of southwest Sioux Falls, N.D., was at least 50 years old and was installed...
Wet Weather

Fire Meets Watershed

March 28, 2019
Preparing for a hotter, drier future

Filtration Solution Helps Car Dealership Meet Environmental Standards

Jan. 31, 2019
System offers high volume & flow treatment

Hotel Uses Storm Water Filtration Technology to Remove TSS

Jan. 31, 2019
Cleveland-area site meets strict treatment standards

System Provides Efficient Storm Water Treatment in Small Space

Jan. 31, 2019
University of Michigan adds system under Central Campus

Biofiltration Units Removes Debris, Enhances Appearance

Jan. 31, 2019
City of Industry, Calif., uses BMPs to meet MS4 standard