Aquatic Informatics


About Aquatic Informatics


More Info on Aquatic Informatics

Aquatic Informatics manages data from source water through to the receiving environment. Our interconnected data management platforms drive the efficient management of water information across the entire water cycle to protect human health and reduce environmental impact.

Articles & News

Photos courtesy Aquatic Informatics.
Chesapeake Bay Laboratory is the oldest publicly supported marine laboratory on the east coast.
Stormwater Management

Protecting the Chesapeake Bay by Centralizing Data

Nov. 10, 2021
Scientists at Chesapeake Biological Laboratory use an online platform to manage, host and workup data.
Aquatic Informatics
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Call for Indigenous Community Proposals for Aquatic Informatics' Grant

Sept. 28, 2020
The theme for the October 30 submission is "Monitoring of Sustainable Watershed Management for Indigenous Communities."
Maerie/iStock/Getty Images Plus/Getty Images
Getty Images Maerie622419628

Caring for Coral

Aug. 10, 2020
Monitoring, analyzing, and sharing urban runoff data is the first step to reducing environmental impacts on the Great Barrier Reef

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